
Volume 1 Issue 5

Volume 1 Issue 6

…perhaps it’s just another example of the establishment media lashing their flaccid tentacles at us, our advertisers and ultimately the general public who is increasingly tired of their migraine-inducing rhetoric and bias disguised with corporate funded, think-tank contrived “inclusive” platitudes.

I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.” — Harry Truman

“Are you ok?” concerned friends and readers ask us at coffee shops, various events, via letters and emails. “Are you being investigated by the AG? Are you OWNED by the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee?”

1. We, like others in this state, are not “ok.” Maybe in an overall universal God-loving way that everything is really alright, sure we are “ok.” But let’s face it, we have a lot of work to do to pry control of this state out of the hands of fat cats, liars and thieves.

2. The “Idaho Capital Sun,” (which many people think is a newspaper, but is actually just a website barely over a year old), reported the Attorney General was investigating whether the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee “owned” The People’s Pen. The writer of that article never once attempted to contact The People’s Pen for comment. We suppose the writer never opened a copy of The People’s Pen either, as more than 20 other advertisers have clearly been buying ads since this publication’s inception. Were any of them called for comment or insight? Could any of them “own” the paper? Perhaps we are really a sordid right-wing conspiracy of chiropractors, real-estate agents, tree-cutters, a spaghetti chef and tattoo artists? Pure poppycock!

But, it gets worse. The Spokesman-Review, an actual printed newspaper, decided to reprint the article! I guess they were short on fact checkers at their Coeur d’Alene office that day. Or, perhaps it’s just another example of the establishment media lashing their flaccid tentacles at us, our advertisers and ultimately the general public who is increasingly tired of their migraine-inducing rhetoric and bias disguised with corporate funded, think-tank contrived “inclusive” platitudes.

This, “Idaho Capital Sun,” which obviously fails to live up to the standards of a printed publication, is actually part of a foundation-funded 501(c)3 nationwide network of new websites which sound like old newspapers under the umbrella of “States Newsroom.” Ever pick up a copy of “The Daily Montana,” “Oregon Capital Chronicle” or the “Nevada Current?” No, you haven’t. But don’t they sound as old as the hills? The closest you can get is picking up your wifi-enabled tablet to read them. This heavily funded network claims it doesn’t accept corporate donations and underwriting. I guess if you squint a little, turn on night mode and tilt your tablet a few degrees… Google News Initiative Journalism Emergency Relief Fund, Morgan Stanley Gift Fund, National Public Radio, Fidelity Donor Advised Fund and some of their other donors don’t look underwritten or corporate at all. While they get money shoveled at them by the likes of Google, the staff of The People’s Pen is having arguments over who gets the flavor packet with the Top Ramen! Sheesh. Give us a freaking break.

There are only two ways of telling the complete truth – anonymously and posthumously.” —Thomas Sowell

The owners and staff of this publication are, like someof our founding American fathers, somewhat elusive when it is practical. We are known by the surrounding community. We stay in the background first and foremost so we do not distract from the subject of our articles. Isn’t it interesting how adversaries are more concerned with who makes TPP, rather than discussing what it says? Also, it allows us to lead more normal lives. It’s kind of a pain when friends and associates feel they have to say, “Now… this is off the record, right?” Many of our articles are contributions of multiple writers and researchers that eventually become a master article that better sums up the complicated web of treachery we face daily. If you’ve ever looked into just one of the many conspiracies we are victims of, you could spend days, weeks, months or even decades researching the facts. So, sometimes we need a team to weed through all the mess and finally boil the topic down to something readable and digestible. Ultimately, The People’s Pen is you the reader, our advertisers, our staff and owners. We are freedom-loving folk, pure and simple. If you want, you will surely meet all the above in person and shake our hands if you are so inclined.

It takes two to speak the truth — one to speak and another to hear.” — Henry David Thoreau

Perhaps more important than “who” makes The People’s Pen is, “what” is The People’s Pen? We aren’t a daily newspaper – we struggle to be quarterly. After 5 issues of our first experimental volume we still struggle to define this publication or why it has been so resonant. But an old proverb often attributed to Mark Twain and others we think gives an important clue: “A lie will go halfway ‘round the world while the truth is pulling its boots on.” Essentially, The People’s Pen is like the truth, finally getting its boots on and wading into the mess a swamp of lies has made. It’s not going to be pretty, it might not be fun, it could be dangerous and it’s near impossible to do it without mistakes. But it’s getting done. When things go right just one truth can counteract months and years of lies. Do we get it right all the time? If we are human, probably not. But we try our best every issue to inform and inspire readers to help themselves, their families, neighbors and all our relations.

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Volume 1 Issue 6 Read More »

Volume 1 Issue 5

Volume 1 Issue 5

Over the last two years we saw tyranny unfold before our very eyes when our weak and tyrannical Governor and his establishment minions marched lockstep with Globalists to mask and experiment on our children, kill our small businesses and dissolve our national sovereignty…

I didn’t know how fortunate I was to have grown up in North Idaho until I joined the Army in the nineties. As I traveled across the US and the world I was quick to recognize that we live in an extraordinarily unique place. We have one of the most abundant aquifers in America under our feet, four seasons and precious lakes. We are surrounded by mountains where huckleberries, morels and wild medicines grow abundant and where herds of deer, elk and other game roam freely. The nearby hills are rich with precious metals and timber. We call this God’s country for all of these reasons and so many more. Truly an area worth protecting, but what exactly do we need to protect it from?

The Idaho political Establishment has abdicated their primary duties as agents of the people. To secure the blessings of liberty we grant specific and limited powers to these agents. Powers that must only be wielded in accord with Natural Law and the Constitution – a framework for the protection and security of our unalienable, God given, rights. Unalienable does not mean conditional, revocable or temporary. On the contrary, it unequivocally translates to immutable, irrevocable and permanent.

Over the last two years we saw tyranny unfold before our very eyes when our weak and tyrannical Governor and his establishment minions marched lockstep with Globalists to mask and experiment on our children, kill our small businesses and dissolve our national sovereignty; globalists like Klaus Schwab who want you “to own nothing and be happy” and Yuvall Harari who preaches from his transhumanist pulpit that “free will is over”. Our weak county and city officials were quick to lie down and roll over in the wake of such blatant disregard for the rule of law, American values and the people of Idaho. This is not a drill.

If you are feeling ambivalent about the up and coming primary elections you should know the real gravity of what’s at stake. Time is of the essence, the enemy is already beyond the gates and largely in power. These pirates masquerading as authorities want to indoctrinate your children with Critical Race Theory, force experimental gene therapy on the population and wield their assigned powers without redress. They use their billionaire backed establishment media, like the CDA Press, to monopolize perception, propagandize the masses and stifle dissent. They invert reality by presenting themselves as conservatives at face value while moving liberal ideologies throughout our community.

Do not be fooled by the desperate establishment and their new fake republican movement whose ranks read more like an episode of the Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous than an assembly of your everyday conservative Idahoans. These people represent power, greed and globalist conformity. They are vested in the status quo and profiting handsomely from it. These are the same people that told you if you were essential, locked you down, wanted to jab you and your children with experimental gene therapy, made your loved ones die alone, advocated for degenerate materials to be placed in children’s sections of the libraries, closed the courts, restricted access to public services and they have the audacity to call you extremists for reminding them that they’ve overstepped their bounds.

So what is exactly at stake here? Lockstep and conformity to a Globalist agenda vs. the restoration of American values in God’s Country. A conformist will do what they’re told regardless of what’s right. A moralist, however, will do what’s right regardless of what they’re told. Voting for the right people in this election is literally a vote for conformity or a vote for morality. Where do you stand?

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Volume 1 Issue 4

Volume 1 Issue 4

So when I say, “Idaho, fight for what’s real,” I really mean it. The “real estate” around you, its water, minerals, gems and fertility is what we need to de-link ourselves from dependence on a global economy that oftentimes violates our moral values.

Volume 1 Issue 4

I stood in the Target parking lot sipping a coffee as I waited for my daughter and her friend to finish shopping. As the indeterminable wait dragged on, I noticed the surge of people entering the store, post-Covid. I looked around at all the box stores surrounding us. I reckoned very few of the dollars we spent would ever see our town again, or even our state, or country for that matter.

When I give a dollar to my neighbor’s business endeavors he can perfect his craft—a craft that will presumably better address the town’s needs. He doesn’t need Google Analytics to figure out what I need; he just asks me. He might have to pay some employees, maybe some of my other neighbors or their kids. As that money transfers through the community it can positively affect people’s lives. When my neighbors and I are happy, well, that means good times: picnics on the weekends and everyone doesn’t have to work so darn long for so darn little.

I remember a life like that, but now it seems far gone. As my daughter spent the money I gave her, it got sucked into a vortex never to be seen again. The stuff she bought was made in another country, probably by slaves. The raw materials to produce the goods might have been sourced from a war-torn portion of Africa. Ultimately, the extended global logistics that got the product from point A to Z mostly benefited middlemen making money off transactions and wasted resources every step of the way. It encouraged corruption, because I don’t really know how or where the stuff is sourced from. For all I know, these foreign factories, to maximize a profit, are utilizing kids as slave labor to make the products my family is buying—while I preach to them that Jesus said he would free us all from slavery.

So when I say, “Idaho, fight for what’s real,” I really mean it. The “real estate” around you, its water, minerals, gems and fertility is what we need to de-link ourselves from dependence on a global economy that oftentimes violates our moral values. How many wars have been started by bearing false witness, taking lives, and stealing what was coveted? How many fake tough-guys have benefitted from bullying rather than defending? Instead of rationalizing how we can pillage afar, how about we use the beautiful minds God gave us to utilize and create with what we have? Maybe then we can have a really “fair trade” for that coffee I’m sipping.

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Volume 1 Issue 4 Read More »

Volume 1 Issue 3

They’re stealing our tax dollars to transform what once was into what they will it to be—an authoritarian surveillance state in a wasteland of traffic, high-rise, high-density housing, homelessness and restricted access to our natural resources.

We The People are the final check and balance of power in these United States of America. The People’s Pen sets out to reclaim and wield that power, not as a weapon of civil war, but as a weapon of civil discourse. It is only our voices, united around those self-evident truths so long ago codified for posterity, that will ring the bells of liberty held hostage by a corrupt legacy media and their fear-based trauma, propaganda and outright mind control.

The billionaire-backed, establishment media in this region has been parroting the same fear-based narratives of division and monopolizing our perceptions for far too long. Our communities thrive through transparency and accountability, through logic, reason, discourse and debate—not from libelous mudslinging or knee jerk slander where there is disagreement and definitely not through censorship, propaganda, disinformation and business as usual.

The status quo is not carrying us into a more united future of prosperity or securing the blessings of liberty guaranteed by our Constitution. In fact, our local political and media establishment continues to sell out to the Federal Government, big tech, the pharma-mafia and corrupt corporate interests while echoing and regurgitating mainstream division and hatred for anyone who dares to question their bought and paid for narrative or challenges their cronyism. They claim to promote “unity & love” while smearing, censoring, alienating and dividing anyone who disagrees with or exposes their obvious biases and conflicts of interest. They use a constant barrage of gaslighting to obfuscate and deflect their dereliction and abdication of duties while pointing fingers of blame like immature children at the area’s newcomers.

To some degree they may be right about the influence of outsiders causing problems… but not the ones they are pointing at. It’s the federally funded ones—the ideas and programs with monetary strings attached to a federal government rife with corruption. It’s the conflicts of interest between our elected officials and the real estate and construction markets. It’s the backroom deals with big business, the pharma-mafia and corporate interests. They’re stealing our tax dollars to transform what once was into what they will it to be—an authoritarian surveillance state in a wasteland of traffic, high-rise, high-density housing, homelessness and restricted access to our natural resources. Meanwhile the establishment grows more powerful, the poor grow poorer and the hard working middle class evaporates before our very eyes.

It is long past time to turn off your TV. Throw out the left-right divided, legacy media. Deprogram from the fear-based brainwashing that has made you afraid to have public dialogue and discourse for fear of reprisal from, as John F. Kennedy described it, “a monolithic and ruthless” monstrosity. Time to oust these invaders of peace and liberty from your most sacred property—your mind. Join the growing masses of critical thinkers and problem solvers who are aware that what we are actually witnessing is a globalist attempt to takeover our national sovereignty and steal our God-given natural rights. Arm yourselves with awareness, choose your influences wisely and remember that “truth is the new hate speech” and “the first casualty of war.”

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Volume 1 Issue 3 Read More »

Volume 1 Issue 2

Volume 1 Issue 2

Give a hand to your neighbor fighting the good fight with something more valuable than money, your time and love.

No. No. No. No. How does that sound? Negative, obviously, and unrealistic. Life is a positive experience despite its darkness at times, with constant changes around us. We can put our hands up to the ocean, but we won’t stop its waves.

When I think of myself as a “conservative,” as I sometimes do, I find myself saying “no” to many things. I reflexively say “no” to whatever the mainstream media touts. I say “no” to the garbage being taught to my child at school. I say “no” to the government’s onerous plans. I could quickly list a hundred reasons to say “no” right now, and most of you reading this would be cheering and agreeing with me.

But after I say “no,” what do I offer as an alternative? What am I doing to solve problems, whether it is mine or my neighbors? I have come to believe this is a handicap most of us share: we don’t have a plan.

There are think-tanks, conventions, corporate weekends, appointed boards and all sorts of functions where people gather to make plans that effect you and me. Increasingly we find that we are the losers in their plans. At best we appear in their plans as a human resource, at worst a pesky nuisance to be dispatched. But we are neither. We are children of God and caretakers of His Earth.

This fact makes “no” problematic. God has imbued us with creativity and capability, but all too often we lazily sit around and just say “no” to the Adversary’s plans. What happens? It just comes up with another plan, and another, and another each worse than the last until we get tired and give up.

The Adversary pulls the understandably dissatisfied into its plans. It gives visions of future riches to “stakeholders” if they only follow its plans. Once emboldened, the Adversary threatens and even kills to achieve its plans. But we only say “no” and think that is sufficient as we continue to incrementally lose more of what is precious.

Perhaps it is time for us to make a plan, or two, or even three. Let’s take a break from reacting to the Adversary’s plans and prods to action, sit down and write down our own plans. We always react to the Adversary’s plans, and it gets to catalog our behavior to perfect its plans upon plans upon plans. Nothing would mess up its plans more, than if we independently take the time to make and follow our own plans, and our neighbors’ plans, and our friends plans. It’s time to stop reacting and start acting on our own plans. The Adversary can have its think-tanks, conferences, and seminars, but even its super-computers would strain at calculating all our independent plans.

Initially, our plans might not be so fabulous, but as time goes on and we inch our way out of the mental constrictions of the Adversary’s world of illusion, our creativity and our plans will get better and more fruitful so long as we strive for the greater good.

Albert Einstein is often credited for saying, “in the midst of every crisis, lies great opportunity.” Well, it’s our opportunity too. Take the initiative to solve the problems of the understandably dissatisfied so the Adversary cannot twist their suffering and good intentions into bad. Give a hand to your neighbor fighting the good fight with something more valuable than money, your time and love. The first step to stopping the insane machinations of the Adversary filling us with fear may just be a few steps away: your kitchen table where you, your friends and family can sit down with some paper and write up your plans.

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Volume 1 Issue 1 cover page

Volume 1 Issue 1

…there is an urgent need for access to, and a forum for, dissenting and divergent views from the mainstream, propaganda spewing, legacy media hellbent on polarizing our Nation.

Have you noticed anything wrong in the world today? Does it seem like our society is moving towards a bright, thriving and prosperous future? Is civil discourse dead? Are we doomed to accept the social, economic and political changes being forced upon us by biased and monopolized interests?

Jiddu Krishnamurti wisely quipped that “it is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” It certainly does appear, to those willing to check their egos, open their minds and peer behind the curtains, that our society is indeed sick. But like any sickness, a proper diagnosis is the first step towards treating the dis-ease. Unfortunately, this requires access to unbiased, objective and accurate information free from censorship and undue influence. We have heard for centuries that “truth is the first casualty of battle.” Can we all agree that we are in a battle, an information war, and that those currently in control of the information also control perceived reality? Like Pavlov’s dog our society has been conditioned by these modern day magicians wielding the power of suggestion like hypnotic sleight of hand (distracting, deceiving and dividing us); while blind and obedient masses accept by their silent, sleeping consent the normalization of tyrannical ideologies intentionally detrimental to the sovereignty of our Nation, our families and our lives.

As a matter of fact, we have been so busy arguing and fighting over their propaganda around viruses, vaccines, masks, race, police brutality, election rigging, lockdowns and corruption, that we have forgotten what principles we were actually arguing about in the first place. Informed consent, due process, freedom of speech, full disclosure and the acknowledgment that all human beings innately possess dignity, equality, and God-given rights are some self evident considerations.

The People’s Pen was born from the recognition that there is an urgent need for access to, and a forum for, dissenting and divergent views from the mainstream, propaganda spewing, legacy media hellbent on polarizing our Nation. Cui bono? The only real beneficiaries of this division are those elite and parasitic pirates masquerading as authorities and philanthropists, that have for generations been the selfsame creators and curators of our past, present and future economic, social and political woes.

We set out to be a vehicle of inspiration rather than influence, a source of uncensored information (making no claim of full and total veracity to the content herein, instead encouraging you to research for yourself and to exercise your powers of discernment) and a forum to exchange ideas civilly. We strive to encourage our readers to spend less time behind the keyboard, to make social media social again and introduce you to solutions that are ready for your engagement. From simple suggestions like subscribing to our publication and joining the KC Spectator mailing list for staying abreast of public meetings (see page 15), to building stronger networks of economic resilience with the North Idaho Freedom Fighters et al. and participating in civil discourse at the many up and coming townhall style events, we can make serious headway towards ending this information war.

In order to realize the future of liberty, freedom and abundant prosperity that is our true inheritance we first have to visualize what it looks like and how to get there. I suggest we start by reclaiming the narrative from magicians masquerading as media, restoring the law from pirates masquerading as authorities and reinvigorating genuine civil discourse around divisive topics. Never forget the power is inherent in the people! Elected officials are not our leaders but our agents and our mouthpieces. Before we are baited into another argument or fight let’s dialogue until we can discern the true nature of our disagreements. More often than not, as we distill our arguments into their base principles, we should find that we don’t really disagree in the first place. If we do, then an honest and open debate ought to be had. We can facilitate this dialogue before debate-style discourse and show the rest of our country that a small group of “thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has.” – M. Mead

The People’s Pen, as a platform for your voice, aspires to grow through your letters, feedback and input. We welcome challenging discourse and seek to be greater and more relevant with every new issue as we forge new pathways through this gateway to a better media.

Think about this as you peruse our pages: a conformist will do what they are told regardless of what’s right but a moralist will do what’s right regardless of what they are told. It’s time to choose morality over conformity, take a stand and empower yourself to become part of the cure for what’s ailing us.

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Volume 1 Issue 1 Read More »